Playa Blanca, Caburga
little resume in english..
but backwards...
January 2nd, got into Santiago bus station with Rodrigo and Tati, and all my gear. And I mean ALL my gear. Bike, cooler, tent, big MEC bag, backpack. And I had wanted to bring some plants from the south, pickup trucks can be very useful.
So somehow we fit everything and everyone in a taxi, and went home.
January 1st. Sunny. Woke up late for the first time in a week.. 11:15am versus 6:15 to 7 am (vacations remember). Picked up Rodrigo and Tati, and went for a big country breakfast at the farm (Mauricio's place). Country eggs, ham, lots of fresh hot bread, etc. All in the garden by the pool.
went for a little spin to Ojos del Caburga, pools of impressively clear and cold water that come from springs fed by the Caburga lake higher up and further on. The water filters in, and creates a waterfall.
After that, we went to the white sand Playa Blanca. Very nice.
No waves, just a massive flat lake, surrounded by trees, all very isolated.
Headed back, got our stuff together and to the bus.
December 31st. Woke up 7:15. Washed the truck (borrowed, as mine is already sold) that we had used yesterday on our long trip around the volcanos etc). Went to get breakfast, but everything is closed at 8am in Pucon. Stores open around 9.
We went on a tour of the waterfalls, rapids, and hot springs. Then bought supplies for later that night.
Oh, and BBQed... big ribs.
we took off for "downtown" Pucon quite late, around 11:40, and there was a traffic jam as everyone was trying to get to the beach to watch the show. We got there, parked 4 blocks off, and jogged down the street with our cooler weighing down, but filled with goodies.
Fireworks in the rain, a cleansing experience. But more than impressive show of pyrotechnics for such a small town.
Afterwards, an indoor party started looking like a very good thing.. So off we went in search of, now with a group of about 20.
We danced till 4:30 at which point home, and instantly asleep.
December 30th. Woke up 6:15am. Drove to Temuco (110k) to pick up Birthday boy (my cousin Rodrigo) and Tati (his new wife). Got to the station and started driving in to volcano country. We went along the Llaima Volcano. Conguillio National Park.
Rodrigo and I putting some ballast into the back end of the Toyota for better handling on the loose volcanic sand.
This park is beautiful., Araucaria trees, lakes, lagoons, volcano, volcanic lava frozen in place. very Primal.
Araucaria Trees near the Navidad Crater.
1 comment:
Precioso tu viaje
Tienes toda la razón al llamar a la Araucaria "tree" y no "pine". Es una conífera, aunque no es de la familia de los pinos, pese a que alguna vez fue conocida como "Chile Pine". (Despues de todo en USA venden Chilean sea-bass, la merluza negra, que no es bass).
En inglés la araucaria es conocida como monkey-puzzle tree, por el parecido de sus ramas con las extemidades de los monos del juego Monkeys-in-a-Barrel, que tuviste en tu infancia.
Recuerdo con nostalgia la gigantesca araucaria que crecía al lado de mi casa en La Reina donde residían cientos de loros que me cantaban alegres en las mañanas, pero que cuando un ave rapaz llegaba al árbol gritaban desaforados para corretearla.
Ojalá estés guardando en algún lugar más permanente que un disco duro todas estas fotos de lugares maravilhosos. Años mas tarde van a ser un testimonio de tus andanzas y quizas de lugares salvajes ya inexistentes. Un Resort Ojos of the Caburga puede hacer mucho daño.
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