En Estados Unidos, existe la costumbre de que el presidente recibe un par de pavos (de los de verdad, no los que manejan autos por las calles de Santiago en estos dias de calor) y les perdona la vida.
Como EEUU es un pais que fue fundado por el marketing avanzado, Disney recibe estos pavos presidenciales
y los aloja una noche en uno de sus hoteles,y los manda en primera clase a Florida.
El problema es que la raza de pavos que regalan son del tipo comercial, criados por cientificos para crecer a una tasa impresionante, luego de solo 4 meses, ya estan listos para "faenar".
Esta en ingles, parte del articulo del Nytimes.com
The custom of presenting turkeys to the White House is 60 years old, developed as a promotional tool by poultry producers including the National Turkey Federation during the Truman administration. But the formal pardoning program began with the first President Bush in 1989.
Until two years ago, the pardoned turkeys would be sent to Kidwell Farm, a reproduction of a 1930s working farm at Frying Pan Park in Herndon, Va. But in 2005 the Walt Disney Company, sensing an opportunity, offered to take the birds. This year, the two national turkeys — there is always a star and an understudy — spent a night in a Hotel Washington suite (in their kennels, of course), got their pardon and were flown first-class to Walt Disney World in Florida, where they will star as grand marshals in the park’s Thanksgiving Day parade. They will then reside in a live-animal exhibit.
Whether the turkeys come from a shelter or the White House, they don’t live very long. Most adopted turkeys are commercially bred broad-breasted whites, genetically disposed to grow to a marketable size in about four months. Even on a diet of only a couple of cups of turkey feed a day, they become obese. They usually develop leg problems, congestive heart failure and arthritis.
“One just couldn’t get up, so I had to have her euthanized,” Ms. Lane said. “Another one just dropped dead one evening.”
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