Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Steering woes and quick solutions for a Samurai

The steering on my Suzuki Samurai was vibrating badly, so much that a pothole could cause a strong wobble at the wheel.
I was starting to worry as it came about quite quickly.
I had balanced the wheels, so I knew that wasn't it.

My father had a mechanic look at it, but he said he had to take it somewhere else and it would cost a bit.
Someone else said it's just alignment, so yesterday I went to a recommended alignment shop.

They went under and said it wasn't alignment but slop in the steering box for the samurai.

Any recommendations for a shop?

So, I headed out to look, and remembered a performance shop. Not too far.

Went there, talked to the guy,, he said he was no expert on steering boxes but if I could pop the hood.

He looked around, said move the steering wheel, started tightening a bronze bolt and a screw, and magically the slop was gone.

I gave him a small bill and he was more than happy, so was I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eso es un alivio saber que no habia nada serio con el 4WD, pero por supuesto que es bueno mantenr el auto en condiciones que un sabe seguras y no la esperanza de que sea así.

Diccionario Chileno/Castellano

Se cortaron los frenos = No quise ponerle pastillas de frenos cuando las viejas chillaban.

Se resbaló el auto = Pero si aún no se veian las fibras del neumático.

Estaba de dios! = ¿Ah, sí?