Me llego este comentario a mi antigua entrada sobre mi accidentada experiencia en el restaurant Rai (que ahora esta avalado por el club de lectores del mercurio!)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Rai Restaurant o Restorant RAI":
yo fui hoy al Rai.
a un amigo mio le rompieron la cara. mi error fue preguntarles a los guardias y al mismo dueño, raimundo, si alguno habia visto algo. todos dijeron que no.
por lo tanto no tube mas que "felicitarlos".
y por eso, el sr. Raimundo, le dijo a sus guardias q me sacaran para afuera.
no es forma.
si eres dueño de un bar o discoteque, tienes que tener la cabeza fria.
asi mismo veo q tampoco manejaron como corresponde la situacion del amigo que se incrustó una espina de atún en el paladar.
asi no van a ninguna parte.
un verguenza.
Comment on Restaurant called Rai Restaurant in Santiago, Chile.
This is a restaurant that appears on a list of restaurants that the El Mercurio Newspaper has on the Club de Lectores recommends.
Some time ago, I went to Rai Restaurant and a tuna bone (if you could describe it) impaled itself with force into my palette. Bit of blood, pain, the usual.
The waiters didn't really know what to do. I asked for a manager. There was none.
I said, the meal should be free. They got off the phone with someone and said they could only offer a discount of 50% on my tuna.! what!
This was published a while ago. Now, someone else commented on how he got his nose broken by the people who work there. I don't have the details. but it's interesting to hear.
Rai Restaurant. Santiago, Chile. You heard it here first.
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